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5 years ago

Hopefully it won’t be as terrible as Origins!

Danny Hickling
Danny Hickling
5 years ago

I haven’t seen Origins, but if it messes with canon I am glad I haven’t. This interview is encouraging though, hopefully we will get something modern that doesn’t attempt to rewrite history. The trend of messing with canon in existing franchises has left my avoiding much of what I used to love.

5 years ago
Reply to  Danny Hickling

I actually didn’t notice much. It does the easy way out at the end. i won’t say what, but it is easily explained and kind of connects with the original movie. It was defiantly fun to watch (i watched it on Prime).

5 years ago

@ levly_love

You want more stargate or not? that attitude doesn’t help!

5 years ago

Origins was a terrible show. If it will be another part of it i wish that it will be made by people who really knows how to made a QUALITY Stargate show.

Ben Baker
Ben Baker
5 years ago

Bring back universe

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben Baker

that arguing sexualized show no thanks that one chick was only to make that young dude jealous, we need a show like SG1 back turn each episode into small stories about each planet like the original series SG1 was but of course fans like u are going to be hell no when we wouldnt be here without SG1 or even Atlantis that turned stargate into a great franchise

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben Baker

Yeah, it was a great show, pitty it ended.
I wish they renew it too, but im sure all the actors have jobs so it will be hard.

5 years ago

Origins could have been done a bit less… juvenile, for lack of a better word, but it wasn’t horrible. Especially once all the ridiculous spinning camera crap is removed and it can be watched as a single hour-and-a-half film. Not all SG-1 season 1 episodes are masterpieces either, and at least it’s more Stargate. Plus it seemed to send a nice, big KAWOOSH to MGM that the franchise is far from dead, thanks to the support of thousands of tolerant (and forgiving of a few flaws) Gaters out there. It didn’t break canon, if anything it reinforced it. With the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Rod

Everything comes back these day, Star wars, Star Trek, etc Stargate is no less popular then Star Trek and matches it in per-episode quantity, plus minus of course. If they can bring back star trek with 2 new shows then why not Stargate? People will watch, this show has just as many fans as Star Trek and many are cross watches and fans of both, i just love scifi. I would gladly watch Battlestar Galactica prequel, not boring political cap like Caprica but the first war with Cylons, like Battlestar Galactica Blood and Chrome. I would love to watch futuristic… Read more »

Paul Jenkins
Paul Jenkins
5 years ago

Getting the right cast together is the key to a new Stargate series. SG1 could have gone for another 5 years at least, however Atlantis struggled with the cast and chemistry, and Universe simply missed the mark. Universe tried to be unnecessarily ‘gritty’ and Atlantis seemed to second guess their casting decisions.

Steve Richardson
Steve Richardson
5 years ago

An ending/new beginning of Stargate Universe would be perfect. Millions of fans are still waiting……

5 years ago

Personally I would like the next story arc to follow a return of the Ancients much like the fan written story arc available on the web.

5 years ago

Best news I’ve heard in awhile.. Brad Wright back at the helm, with a new series based on the existing SG-1 canon.. It’s the best case scenario for stargate(tv) fans, as far as I’m concerned.

5 years ago

MGM need to bring back stargate sg1 and richard dean anderson and amanda tapping and stargate Origins was terrible

Brian Lear
Brian Lear
5 years ago

it a shame all ways comes to money I think Stargate is the best TV show on TV and I hope the New Stargart gets go head for many years to come just think how many people which it the show is grate there no better TV show like it

5 years ago

End the Stargate Shutdown!

5 years ago

Universe was way way ahead of it’s time so maybe that should be explored . More intelligent sci-fi should be explored

5 years ago

do not bring back Stargate origins it was awful and bring back Stargate sg1 and bring back Richard Dean Anderson and Amanda Tapping and the other original stargate sg1 cast

5 years ago

It needs to be a modern show with Richard Dean Anderson making a cameo with a closeup and his first words being, “Space Force!?? Honestly, Carter!? You suggested Space Force over Star Gate Command?” LOL :-)

Marton Szokor
5 years ago

I trust Brad Wright!

Bella Salceies
5 years ago

They should at least make a new story line, with new characters and a brand new enemy to face too. They should at least bring back the SGC into the mix and Atlantis too of course where new characters would interact with what is what and what else they should do next. At least exploring more female roles into it, would help with character development and what they do mainly on it.

5 years ago

@Rod, “juvenile” is a really nice way to put it. It’s by far the worst thing that has ever happened to the Stargate franchise including the games and the animation. It was a pathetic attempt, it lacked depth, it lacked direction, it lacked any kind of intelligence and frankly it felt insulting.

Peter N
Peter N
5 years ago

I endured origins, it was OK but really short, it was essentially one episode divided into segments… it was really basic though and didn’t really have much depth or interesting things going on and felt a bit childish here and there… I personally would prefer to see a continuation of SG1 or SGA, they were both great shows that sort of felt like they cliffhung. SGU also started to get better in its second season just to cliffhang with no further story… SG is such an amazing franchise, I really can’t understand why MGM or whoever owns it, isn’t trying… Read more »

Anthony Pero
Anthony Pero
5 years ago

RE: Origins.

Meh, just retcon it as a mirror world. Heck, retcon the MOVIE as a mirror world, where O’neil was spelled with one N and looked a bit different.

Bruce Lunsford
Bruce Lunsford
5 years ago

My favorite of all time stargate hope it can come back in some form

5 years ago

I hope you continue with universe are Atlanta’s

5 years ago

We really need another proper stargate series (either SG Universe) or other.. but not a 2-series setup. We need a nice 8-10 seasons.

I mean.. galaxy is massive. I’m pretty sure the writers / storytellers can think up a lot of scenarios / events that can occur (even some that are multi-episode). New tech, New Species, New Powers to be seen.

5 years ago

I think that they need to do a story of how the Atlantean‘s left earth to go for Atlantis in the other galaxy I’d like to see a movie on that one. But I also agree they need to have a Nother Stargate TV series going it is a massive galaxy and we’ve just only touch to galaxies instead of however many there are there are more stories that could be written and they can always re-boot SG one or do a reboot movie of Stargate which branches off in using those members of that Stargate team to start the… Read more »

5 years ago

If a new series is in the works, I hope the writers look at what worked in the past & what didn’t & make the right choices.

koray çınar
koray çınar
5 years ago

origins was too bad. as a fan i didnt watch after 2 episodes.I wish to see stargate in a cinema triology or more.

5 years ago

if they arent ready for a full tv show why not a netflix/hulu/prime show
if done right like sg1 then thats all they need because thats whats in
fans like me arent watching tv anymore we have a computer set up with
netflix or hulu waiting for new episodes or binge watching sg1 for the 4th or 5th time

5 years ago

i dont want a movie full on show or nothing for me go netflix or hulu seriously

Delano Ryan
Delano Ryan
5 years ago

I loved Stargate. Origins was terrible. It was agony watching what they did to a great series. Stargate could be a money maker for MOM, but not in the way mgm is approaching it.

5 years ago

we need stargate to be like it has been in sg1 sga sgu but finish them and keep it the way it was going going to different galaxy’s and universes that’s the way it started that is the way it should finish. people love stargate series it is higher then most people think. and they would say the same. KEEP IT GOING AND GOING AND GOING

i luv sg
i luv sg
5 years ago

Origins was awful iv seen fan made shows that had better writing and acting this was a waste of time and money and has probably killed the series for good

5 years ago

I’m really praying for a new Stargate. Want SGU to continue more than anything, but would love a new series. I hope we don’t get a prequel though. I’m sick of prequels… few people want prequels, but that’s all they ever want to give us anymore. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if that’s what we get though (if we’re lucky enough to get anything). Just like Star Trek (and so many other shows recently), few people want prequels, but that’s all we ever seem to get.

Carlos j.Perez
Carlos j.Perez
5 years ago

I’ve watched every Star gate series, Star gate Universe , Atlantis, and I didn’t like the Origin. I’m a Star gate fan and miss all of the cast of each series, I’m sure there’s alot of fan’s out there who will support you if you bring Star Gate back, and if only some of the cast appears in the series people Will watch it, the ratings will be high because you do have fans who love it and miss it.

John Studeny
John Studeny
5 years ago

I would love to get ahold of Mr Right!!I have the perfect stargate idea written.Its a mix of everything which makes stargate stargate!!I will just say it involves the Alterans and a time travelling puddle jumper

nathan french
nathan french
5 years ago

there are many ways to get stargate back onto the small screen. 1: use Kickstarter to bankroll the first season and if there are enough viewers MGM covers the following seasons. 2: make 3 low budget descent quality pilots with different directions the story can go and let the viewers vote on which story to go with. 3: loan the rights to Netflix in exchange MGM can air them on their network free of charge. 4: loan the rights for the first 3 seasons to Netflix in exchange after the three seasons have aired MGM can continue the story on… Read more »

Jan Johansson
Jan Johansson
5 years ago

Just like The Orville is more “Star Trek” than Discovery, Stargate has to do an “Orville” and go back to its roots.
Universe is to gritty with every episode ending with the whole crew whining.
SG-1 and somewhat Atlantis were great becouse of its mixture of humor (O´Neil) while delivering stories that questioned our own society.
The “daily life on spaceship/station” storytelling suits these kind of shows much better than a to complex storyline.

Keith Conlon
4 years ago
Reply to  Jan Johansson

Why does a lot of fans enjoy there favorite shows to remain at its roots mainly rather than allowing it to evolve and grow to the point of not needing its roots so much similarly how Charles Darwin has taught the in biology living things /creatures through the microevolution to macroevolution evolves and grows to the point of not needing its original biological roots as much anymore.

Craig Helma
Craig Helma
5 years ago

If you have seen the great review the Orville has gotten is because people are really wanting a new series like that. Not all serious but has its moments.
Please do not lose sight of the great name Stargate brings with it!

Aram Groves
Aram Groves
5 years ago

The stargate franchise has endless potential. It has been one of the best things to watch on TV. Stargate universe was on it’s way to being the best of the series and was cut short. We science fiction fans need stargate as much as we need star trek. So please work this out cause business is business and stargate is good business. I have a saying. Even a bad star trek is better then no star trek . Same is true for stargate.

5 years ago

I wasnt a fan of Origins but so wanted badly a real stargate series

Warren Gregory
Warren Gregory
5 years ago

I want a full fledged series in the Canon timeline, set in the present ~2020. It needs to be set at the SGC, and center around the events if taking the Stargate program public and the use of Asgard knowledge and technology to actually find a solution to the Asgard cloning problem and a discovery that every single Asgard consciousness was stored in the Asgard core installed on the Dountalous.

5 years ago

Wat if thay do all 3 tvshow mix in 1 week it’s sg1 week after sga then sgu and have the story mix in with each other

5 years ago

Please more Stargate Universe!!!! I just binged watched it, amazing. Organs, was horrible and lacked of any explanation of what was going on. Team Eli

5 years ago

I was nonplussed when SGUniverse was NOT continued after season 2! It was a fantastic way to change the direction of the adventure without losing any of the suspense and intrigue. I miss it all the time and would love to see it come back in my lifetime. I realise that they put a period on it in the last episode, but new stories could pick up with the discovery of a gate on the planet they settled on, or maybe 200 years in the future and they redevelop FTL and discover another Atlantis, maybe a replicator back-up Atlantis. I… Read more »

5 years ago

I so wish them to continue the series I am a huge fan of everyone of the movies plus the Television show’s Atlantis was my favorite but there are so many stories that never got told and it’s a shame i would love them to continue to tell the story i have another 5 ppl in my family who feel the same way i know that’s not enough ppl to get anything going but if theres 6 of us theres def gonna be so many more ppl.

5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Loved Stargate. LOVED All of it – except Origins which was seriously unpolished and way too predictable. As a sci fi fan,Stargate was one of the best and should be brought back. These days you have to go to the movies to find any descent sci fi. Big gap in the TV market waiting to be filled – by STARGATE – with it’s extremely rich and complex story lines one hopes. One prays. One begs!

The Burglar
The Burglar
5 years ago

I just watch Origins, had been saving it. So yes, I think it was a bit juvenile. While both SG-1 & Atlantis were a little campy at times, this was bad campy. Also badly choreographed in the fights, that’s all I’ll say so as not to spoil anything. It however, does not mess with canon, and as far as I can tell, it meshes 100%, though there is a plot hole. So I’m glad Origins was done…much as it killed me when SGU was cnx’d (probably a top five cancellation in my lifetime), if they can’t make it better than… Read more »

Bill Coble
Bill Coble
5 years ago

Bring back universes!!! Just rewatched both seasons. Would love to see season 3!!!!

Fan 72
5 years ago

The time is right to launch a new stargate tv series similar to SG1. There is a new generation of sci fi fans screaming for a new space sci fi series. If Carnival Row can reach success then a new Stargate series will surely follow in popularity.

4 years ago

Because sg1 and Richard Dean Anderson is the missing element missing from Stargate Universe. It is a hard issue in the story of Stargate but I believe the part of Richard Dean Anderson was and integral roll in bringing the characters together and keeping the characters together and what made SG1 so long lasting. I don’t know how much you paid Richard but I’m sure you paid him more than all the other characters in SG1 and that won’t happen today which is a problem you will have to solve but that main charter is what made all the other… Read more »

Shelli C
Shelli C
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I disagree, I think Universe was well put together. I think they had the right amount of cameo appearances to tie them together. I also think that Young, Scott, Eli and Rush together became that team we were looking for. Albeit unconventional. I believe it deserves an ending and I hope they give that to us soon.

Keith Conlon
4 years ago

It seems to me that the Stargate Franchise should try to tie it self into these multi-multiverse storylines of DC comics(, Marvel comics(, and Doctor Who( Through a series/set of Intercompany crossover(,, and with Marvel comics, DC comics, Doctor Who, and other established franchises